AA 02, v. Kuklica, Krumovgrad

Point АА 02, village Zvanarka, Krumovgrad - Measurement of particulate matters with size up to 2.5μm, and up to 10μm (measured in real time). Separately are performed measurements for precipitated dust – data are gathered manually, and so it is not possible to present them on a real time plot.
Red lines on the plot are presenting limit values for particulate matters in the atmosphere, i. e. as following:

- Average Annual Limit for human health preserving – for particles with size up to 2,5 µm – from 25 µg/m3 (presented in the plot in µg/m3, which is corresponding to value from 0,025 µg/m3); - Average Day and Night Limit for human health preserving – for particles with size up to 10 µm – from 50 µg/m3 (presented in the plot in µg/m3, which is corresponding to value from 0,05 µg/m3)

Those particulate matters limit values are set in Ordinance No. 2, from 15.07.2010 – for limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matters, lead, benzene, carbon monoxide, and ozone in the atmosphere (published in State Gasette 58 from 30.07.2010, valid from 30.07.2010)

Last Hour Indicators 2025-01-16:

  PM2,5 = 9 µg/m3Conc_MG_M3Concentration of particulate matter PM2,5 - milligram per cubic meter

  PM10 = 9 µg/m3Conc_MG_M3Concentration of particulate matter PM10 - milligram per cubic meter

  Flow = 2.0 FlowAirflow

  AT = N/A ℃ATTemperature of flow

  BP = 98317 BPBarometric pressure

  RHi = 49.7 RHiHumidity

  BV = 14.4 VBVVoltage of the internal battery of the meter