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INSTANTEL Standard Triaxial Geophone Minimate Plus4

Blast-seismic terminal Location №3 Geophone

Note the following when looking at the table below:

1. Contrary to the other devices in the system, the seismograph can operate in real time. Stored data in unit memory are transferred to the system in sequences (via internet connection) - using periods with no activity. the so measured data are available post factum, with dynamic periodicity.

2. The reported events (triggering the seismograph) shown in the table will include anything the seismograph has recorded. The reason for them may be excavation, backfilling, construction or road works, home repairs, as well as movements/operation of heavy machines or underground blasting. The underground blasting in the Krumovgrad Mine takes place between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm according to an approved plan.

3. The values are displayed in engineering units - maximum speed of movement/displacement of a particle in millimeters per second. Measurements are taken according to the German standard DIN4150 on the seismic stability of buildings. Use of the standard is widespread and we use it due to the lack of a reference document in the Bulgarian legislation.

4. The reported events are extremely weak. Any potential magnitude conversion to the Richter scale or the Medvedev scale (Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik Scale (MSK-64) would show a maximum 2 value.

5. The table does not provide sufficient information, as frequency values are not provided of each of the three included waves. Impact and limit levels depend on the frequency values. The files can only be read with a suitable application.

6. A report on a given event can be obtained upon request addressed to the Information Center of Dundee Precious Metals EAD or by c alling 072868360 or 072868361.

File Archive:


Event Time Download Description
2025-01-12 10:40:08Download file---, Tran Peak-0.142, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.039
2025-01-12 07:10:59Download file---, Tran Peak-0.142, Long Peak-0.095, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-12 06:45:53Download file---, Tran Peak-0.142, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-12 06:33:34Download file---, Tran Peak-0.142, Long Peak-0.095, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-12 02:50:27Download file---, Tran Peak-0.134, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-11 10:13:54Download file---, Tran Peak-0.118, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-11 10:13:15Download file---, Tran Peak-0.126, Long Peak-0.095, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-11 09:48:22Download file---, Tran Peak-0.134, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-11 09:46:35Download file---, Tran Peak-0.134, Long Peak-0.095, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-11 09:32:17Download file---, Tran Peak-0.126, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-11 07:14:20Download file---, Tran Peak-0.126, Long Peak-0.095, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-11 06:50:02Download file---, Tran Peak-0.118, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 14:42:30Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.063, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 14:35:38Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 14:14:13Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 14:11:04Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 13:35:27Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:30:00Download file---, Tran Peak-0.095, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:24:06Download file---, Tran Peak-0.110, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 13:23:54Download file---, Tran Peak-0.110, Long Peak-0.087, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:20:18Download file---, Tran Peak-0.110, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:10:34Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:08:36Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:08:30Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 13:02:18Download file---, Tran Peak-0.110, Long Peak-0.063, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:00:25Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.079, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 13:00:22Download file---, Tran Peak-0.126, Long Peak-0.063, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-10 12:05:01Download file---, Tran Peak-0.110, Long Peak-0.071, Vert Peak-0.032
2025-01-10 11:22:48Download file---, Tran Peak-0.102, Long Peak-0.063, Vert Peak-0.024
2025-01-09 15:16:28Download file---, Tran Peak-0.142, Long Peak-0.134, Vert Peak-0.102